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In June, Heald directors, Debbie Heald MBE and Rod Heald travelled to the USA to meet with Concentric Security LLC and Ross Technology. Both long-standing distribution partners, they have worked with Heald on a number of projects throughout the USA.
During the visit to Concentric Security LLC, Debbie and Rod visited Heald’s latest Matador 6 sliding bollard install at the world-famous Beale Street in Memphis, famed as the home of blues music. Click here to read more about the install.
At the time of the visit, Debbie and Rod were lucky enough to go along to ‘Bike Night on Beale’, which sees Beale Street come to life every Wednesday evening with thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts parking on the most iconic street in America! A family friendly event, it hosts motorcycles of every shape, size, brand and year and allowed Debbie and Rod to see the Matador 6 in action to protect this location from the risk of hostile vehicle attacks.
The visit to Ross Technology, who also manufacture Heald’s Raptor under licence in the USA, included an inspection visit to the Raptor fabrication facility in Pennsylvania. The Raptor’s which can be found securing the UN Building in New York, along with other high profile USA locations are due to be installed at a further four locations across the country in the coming months.
Taking pride in their distribution partnerships, Heald regard them as a crucial extension of the business as a whole, which in turn results in international installs of Heald’s hostile vehicle mitigation products completed to the standards expected from our inhouse install team.
Commenting on the trip, Debbie Heald MBE said: “Once again, we have had another successful distributor trip. It was fantastic to see the finished installation of the Matador’s at Beale Street and the Raptors currently going through fabrication. I would like to congratulate both distributors on doing a great job on installing and fabricating our products. Our distributor partnerships are key to the success of Heald overseas.”
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