Need to speak to us? Here’s our most useful number and email addresses
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Need to speak to us? Here’s our most useful number and email addresses
General information:
For over three decades, Heald has been securing some of the world’s most high profile locations with advanced protection against hostile vehicle attacks. We are world class innovators in the field of perimeter security technology and the largest manufacturer of quality security equipment in the UK.
Innovative Designs
Innovation is at the core of what Heald does. We have a range of unique, patent protected products, meaning you will find nothing else like our bollards and roadblockers on the market. We have been listed in the IP100 League Table for three consecutive years, always ranking in the top ten companies and have been recognised for our innovation with numerous awards.
Our bespoke designs are made to fit individual site requirements and meet the increasingly demanding needs of organisations that require high security solutions against the threat of vehicular attack.
Crash Tested Security
We are constantly pushing the boundaries with ground-breaking new designs, tested to the latest British, EU and US security standards, and are renowned for our exemplary in-house manufacturing.
We are a ISO 9001 accredited company and have a range of award-winning PAS 68, K12, IWA and ASTM bollards, roadblockers and barriers. Our crash tested products provides our customers with peace of mind and dependable security products you can rely on.
View our crash tests on our YouTube Channel here.