Supporting Jason Liversidge with his Guinness World Record Attempt

Last year, Heald shared the news that we were delighted to be supporting Jason Liversidge for his Guinness World Record attempt; to be the first person to travel more than 90 kmph (55 mph) in an electric mobility vehicle. After some challenges last year, we can now share that the Guinness World Record attempt is back up and running!

In 2013, Jason was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, a terminal illness which affects the brain and nerves. Jason wants to leave a legacy behind to his two daughters, which has seen Jason take on extreme challenges, such as completing the longest in Europe and the fastest zip wire in the world.

The Update

Since last year, Heald have been working with Jason Liversidge, Graham Sykes and Ian Goodman to create a new electric mobility vehicle. Graham Sykes of GSPE Ltd, an engineering firm who design bespoke components, has been helping with the steering geometry and components for the electric mobility vehicle.

Ian Goodman is an entrepreneur who has been involved with electric vehicles for the past thirty years, therefore his insight into the Guinness World Record attempt is crucial. Ian’s speciality is battery management systems and this has been his focus for the electric mobility vehicle.

Parts including the axles, steering components, the seat and wheels were laid out at the Heald office to discuss the final design. Heald will be helping put the chassis together, with special attention from Rod Heald.

Rod has over thirty years engineering expertise and has designed all of Heald’s products, including our award-winning Electro Mechanical Matador.

When will the Guinness World Record take place?

The plan is to start testing the chair within the next six weeks, with the Guinness World Record attempt to follow after this.

If you would like to sponsor Jason to help him complete his Guinness World Record attempt, please visit his Just Giving page. Any left-over donations will be handed to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

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