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We are proud to announce that the winner of Heald’s Distributor Award for 2019 Mil Sec! Heald’s Sales Excellence Award is presented the company that sells the most Heald products throughout the year.
Mil Sec, based in Norway have been partners with Heald for almost five years, working on many successful installations of Heald’s products in the Norway region including Norway’s Avinor Airport.
Many of the projects we have distributed to Mil Sec included Heald’s sliding bollard system, the Matador, which due to its shallow excavation depth and sliding feature, is suitable for a wide amount of applications, including the cold temperatures and extreme weather.
Due to the current pandemic, the announcement of the award was delayed until the team at Mil Sec could safely get together again to celebrate the news.
Commenting on presenting the award, Heald Managing Director Debbie Heald MBE added: “We are delighted to present Mil Sec with our Distributor Award for 2019 and I extend my congratulations to the whole team. Their dedication has not gone unnoticed and we will look forward to continuing to work with Mil Sec.”
CEO of Mil Sec, Per Ove Paulsen commented; “It’s a pleasure for us to work with Heald’s great staff and their high-quality products. The team of Mil Sec is proud and grateful for receiving this award. We are really looking forward to a long term relationship.”
We would also like to thank all our distributors for their continued support and hard work. We are looking forward to working on many successful projects together throughout 2020 and growing our distributor network.
If you would like to join Heald as a distribution partner, please send an email to and our friendly team will get back to you..