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Last week, the Heald team came together to raise money for a brilliant charity, Breast Cancer Now. With costumes ranging from pink princesses to pink Crayola Crayons, the team pulled out their very best attire!
Without a doubt, the best dressed trophy went to Helen, our Purchasing Assistant, who spent the day dressed as a pink Crayola crayon. Not only this, but Heald had another two winners for our guessing games.
Caroline, Shipping and Logistics Co-Ordinator, won the win it pink sweepstake, donating the money back to charity. Ben, one of our apprentices, guessed the exact amount of how many sweets were in the jar, which was 84! Everyone also joined in with a bake sale as well as bringing a variety of sweet and savoury food.
Overall, it was a successful day. Thanks to the generous donations from the team, Heald managed to raise a total of £223.61. Owners, Debbie and Rod Heald matched this total, meaning we raised a total of £447.22.
Managing Director, Debbie Heald MBE said: “I am so proud of all the team for coming together to raise money for a great cause. It was an excellent opportunity for everyone to have some fun, whilst also doing their bit for charity.”
Heald regularly support charities and local events and are already planning their next fundraiser.