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Building on from the success of our existing product range, most of which are powered via hydraulics, we are delighted to announce the launch of our electro-mechanical (EM) product range.
The EM products will offer the same excellent standards as our existing products with a variety of added benefits. One of the primary benefits of EM over a hydraulic system is the ability to deploy products faster owing to motors being installed within the product which removes the need for an additional unit to house controls and having to install hydraulic ducts for the products to operate.
An additional benefit of Heald’s EM range is a reduced carbon footprint due to requiring on average, over 60% less electricity to operate.
The EM range will extend to our existing products including the Raptor, the Evo Bollard and the EM Matador. The Matador specifically will revolutionise temporary and small event security due to its shallow foundation depth and its ability to run off a generator or temporary power supply.
Having revolutionised the perimeter security industry with the automatic Matador, we will be showcasing our EM Matador at the UK Security Expo 2017 which takes place in London on the 29-30 November.